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Crystals Healing Gemstones

Malachite Dragon Pendant Necklace

Malachite Dragon Pendant Necklace

Regular price $22.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 USD
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Chakra Correspondences: Earth, base, sacral, heart, solar plexus.

Physiological Correspondences: Urogenital tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, bones, DNA, tissue, spleen, parathyroid gland, cellular structures, and circulatory, lymphatic, and immune systems.

Vibration: Earthy and deep.

HEALING POWER: Malachite is a powerful conduit for transferring energy into the body and for absorbing environmental pollution, such as geopathic stress, electromagnetic smog, and radiation. Its reputation includes healing arthritis, possibly due to the minute particles of copper it contains, which are absorbed into the wearer's bloodstream. The Egyptians used Malachite as a paste to treat the eyes, cholera, and infected wounds. Medieval lapidaries recommended Malachite for curing cramps and seizures and for easing childbirth. Crystal workers today used it to draw dis-ease from body and soul, and to assist psychosomatic level, it dissolves the deeper causes of dis-ease.

TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER: Malachite is a power stone for intense inner transformation and soul catharsis. This crystal is merciless in exposing personality imperfections, outgrown patterns, blockages, and ties that must be dissolved before you can evolve spiritually. It requires you to take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions. This makes it an excellent karmic and soul cleanser, activating your soul's purpose. Malachite scours away residue of traumas from past lifetimes or childhood and resets ancestral DNA. It then draws in spiritual energy to raise frequency of your physical body. Meditate with Malachite, letting your half-focused eyes follow its contours. This journeying or scrying stone takes you ever deeper into yourself or the future.

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